ATTENTION:  Beginning on May 1, 2025, our pharmacy schedule at the Moncrief Main Pharmacy and the PX Refill Distribution Center will change.  To improve pharmacy efficiency and the timeliness of service, we are consolidating our staff to peak prescription demand times.

Our new pharmacy hours will be:  
Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Closed Weekends and Federal Holidays
Closed after 1:00 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month.

Health Services

Physical Therapy

Services Offered

The Physical Therapy Department is comprised of three physical therapy clinics.

The main clinic is located on the 11th floor of Moncrief Army Health Clinic. The clinic provides outpatient rehabilitation services to active duty service members, National Guard and Reserves Soldiers, Tricare Prime enrolled Family members (ages 13 and above), as well as retirees.

The McWethy Troop Medical Clinic (TMC) provides outpatient musculoskeletal screening for Soldiers in training.

The Warrior Trainee Rehabilitation Program (WTRP), provides outpatient rehabilitative services for Soldiers that have sustained an injury during basic combat training.

The primary clinic is located on the 11th floor of Moncrief Army Health Clinic and provides comprehensive outpatient rehabilitation services with an emphasis on return to duty after injury and/or surgery.  Patients may be referred by their primary care provider or walk in and request an appointment.  We utilize a sports medicine approach in a renovated part of the clinic and when necessary use post MWR facilities to provide Columbia’s best option for Soldiers to return to duty.  This clinic also manages the lower extremity brace shop to ensure proper fit of prefabricated devices for patients referred by their primary care provider.
The TMC utilizes an outpatient based sports medicine model aiming to provide expert care in the management of bone stress injuries and musculoskeletal injuries. This clinic primarily serves Soldiers in training at Fort Jackson ensuring their safe and expeditious graduation.  The Physical Therapist serves as a musculoskeletal expert utilizing a multi model approach to assist unit Commanders to make informed decisions surrounding Soldier care.
The WTRP is a specialized clinic/program imbedded in the Fitness Training Company. The clinic is designed to provide expert rehabilitation for injured trainees. Injuries are predominantly bone stress injuries, but can include ligament tears, surgical repairs after trauma, and other musculoskeletal injuries. Care is provided through four phases defined by the introduction of lower extremity impact in coordination with staff at the TMC, Drill Sergeants, and Physical Therapy assets in the WTRP footprint.

Contact Us

(803) 751-2377/2408

Mon - Fri 6:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

4500 8th Division Road, 11th Floor
Fort Jackson, SC 29207

McWethy Troop Medical Clinic
4557 8th Division Road
Fort Jackson, SC 29207

Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!