ATTENTION:  Beginning on May 1, 2025, our pharmacy schedule at the Moncrief Main Pharmacy and the PX Refill Distribution Center will change.  To improve pharmacy efficiency and the timeliness of service, we are consolidating our staff to peak prescription demand times.

Our new pharmacy hours will be:  
Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Closed Weekends and Federal Holidays
Closed after 1:00 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month.

Health Services

Fort Jackson Department of Public Health

Services Offered

The Fort Jackson Department of Public Health is dedicated to protecting the health and environment of the local command, military personnel, families, civilian workforce, and other eligible beneficiaries, much like a county health department. FJDOPH staff includes community health and occupational health nurses, environmental science and radiation protection officers and technicians, an industrial hygienist and IH technician, and administrative support personnel.


Delivery of quality comprehensive preventive medicine and public health services. Provide consultation to commanders, Soldiers, and health care professionals on matters of public health importance, focusing on preventing, maintaining, and restoring the health to high risk aggregates, families and service members.

Other major programs offered by FJDOPH include

  • Community Health Nursing - Epidemiology and Disease Control   (Tuberculosis and other communicable disease surveillance and prevention)
  • Community Consultative Services (health consultant to Child Development Services, Family Advocacy Team member), Health Promotion Services (health fairs, national health observances, etc.), and Case Management
  • Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene - Job related physicals, hearing and vision conservation, medical monitoring for hazardous work environments, ergonomic assessment of the work place, work site hazard surveillance, etc.
  • Environmental Health and Radiation Protection - Water and indoor air quality, garrison sanitation inspections, field sanitation and food service training, and radiation surveillance.
  • Food Operation Safety Course
  • Army Wellness Center
  • Travel Clinic

Clinic Telephones: Area Code 803

Chief, Public Health


NCOIC, Public Health


Executive Assistant, Preventive Medicine


OIC, Environmental Health


NCOIC, Environmental Health


OIC, Army Hearing


NCOIC, Army Hearing


Army Hearing Clinic


Radiation Protection Office


Occupational Health


Industrial Hygiene


Army Community Health Nursing


Travel Clinic


Contact Us




Monday - Friday
7:30 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.


4500 8th Division Road
Fort Jackson, SC 29207

Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!